
Never forget!

Never forget that “We are currently experiencing higher than normal call volumes” is just code for “we don't want to hire enough staff.” It is played before your call has barely been answered, not because it's true but because they want you to believe that it's the *customer's* fault that your call isn't being answered. The truth, as we can all reasonably work out, is that they cheap out on staff to save bucks for the share holder profits.

Never forget that “We are currently experiencing higher than normal call volumes” is just code for “we don't want to hire enough staff.”

It is played before your call has barely been answered, not because it's true but because they want you to believe that it's the *customer's* fault that your call isn't being answered. The truth, as we can all reasonably work out, is that they cheap out on staff to save bucks for the share holder profits.

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