
How to delicately handle a job letting managers in the tip pool temporarily?

Hey, I'm posting from a new alt. account for a few reasons related to anonymity. The TLDR version is: I work at a local craft brewery. Our GM is recovering from back surgery and made the schedule 5 weeks in advance. And although illegal…I wasn't too bothered by this place letting our “lead bartender” (one of two people total and never on the same shift) being let in on the tip pool because we don't really need a manager to run the bar. I do however have a big issue with a lot of us not having a single shift for 5 fucking weeks due to our GM being gone and making the laziest schedule he could because our owners are as lazy as him and didn't wanna hire mgmt short time…or show up to comply. And having 1 employee (of 2 total…they've allowed to do both roles on the…


I'm posting from a new alt. account for a few reasons related to anonymity.

The TLDR version is: I work at a local craft brewery. Our GM is recovering from back surgery and made the schedule 5 weeks in advance. And although illegal…I wasn't too bothered by this place letting our “lead bartender” (one of two people total and never on the same shift) being let in on the tip pool because we don't really need a manager to run the bar.

I do however have a big issue with a lot of us not having a single shift for 5 fucking weeks due to our GM being gone and making the laziest schedule he could because our owners are as lazy as him and didn't wanna hire mgmt short time…or show up to comply. And having 1 employee (of 2 total…they've allowed to do both roles on the same shift on days where only one person is there…illegal but didn't affect any of us so nothing has been said about that) who is getting tipped out same as us also be the manager which is illegal. For all the 5 weeks.

One of them is my best friend. If I report this I know I'll get retaliated against. However, I can't just not work for many weeks on end because my job is too fucking lazy to have real management there in the interim.

What's the best way for me to handle this delicately? Furthermore, as I am in a 1 party consent state….should I report any attempts at retaliation against me?

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