
I think my boss set up my badge wrong

I started a new job in July on a hybrid work schedule and my commute is about 2 hours each way since I rely on the train. My manager very much seems like she got promoted because she’s outgoing, but not based on her knowledge of the job. On my first day I basically had to onboard myself, she couldn’t figure out any of the instructions she was given on setting stuff up for me so I figured out how to install the software I needed by myself. Once I started training she said “oh I forgot to give you a laptop charger” and threw one in my purse that was on the table. It wasn’t the right charger for my laptop and I had to go into the office an extra day to get the correct charger. Now it’s months later, and our company sends us an email every…

I started a new job in July on a hybrid work schedule and my commute is about 2 hours each way since I rely on the train. My manager very much seems like she got promoted because she’s outgoing, but not based on her knowledge of the job. On my first day I basically had to onboard myself, she couldn’t figure out any of the instructions she was given on setting stuff up for me so I figured out how to install the software I needed by myself. Once I started training she said “oh I forgot to give you a laptop charger” and threw one in my purse that was on the table. It wasn’t the right charger for my laptop and I had to go into the office an extra day to get the correct charger. Now it’s months later, and our company sends us an email every 3 months or so for our in office attendance stats. While everyone else coming in 2 days a week was at 100% I was consistently at 200%, and the one week I only came in one day instead of two I was at 100%. I’m pretty sure my boss set up my badge wrong so the system thinks I’m only required to be in once a week. My boss only works half days in office once or twice a week and always leaves to wfh before 12, and since we pick our own in office days I don’t think she’d find it weird to not see me much. They recently started limiting overtime and I’m making way less than a livable wage for my city so I’m applying to new jobs.

Do I tell my boss my badge is messed up or should I take advantage of the situation?

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