
doctors note for one day

I’ve had a cough for over a week. When the cough started I came into work, because I knew that my job would give me shit for calling out. So, I worked with my GM all shift, coughing in the back between tables. Now I’m a full time student with other obligations: I’m always very busy. So, I only work two days a week as a server. I called in yesterday, because I had been coughing all through the night and hadn’t gotten to sleep. They want a doctors note !!!! My doctor doesn’t want to see people actively sick, and urgent care is so fucking expensive. I understand we’re short staffed, that’s why I came in before, but I don’t wanna be coughing all over my own tables either!! I’m already so tired because i can’t REALLY rest with how busy I am all the time. I’m so over…

I’ve had a cough for over a week. When the cough started I came into work, because I knew that my job would give me shit for calling out. So, I worked with my GM all shift, coughing in the back between tables. Now I’m a full time student with other obligations: I’m always very busy. So, I only work two days a week as a server. I called in yesterday, because I had been coughing all through the night and hadn’t gotten to sleep. They want a doctors note !!!! My doctor doesn’t want to see people actively sick, and urgent care is so fucking expensive. I understand we’re short staffed, that’s why I came in before, but I don’t wanna be coughing all over my own tables either!! I’m already so tired because i can’t REALLY rest with how busy I am all the time. I’m so over it.

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