
TL;DR: I got put on work restrictions after inquiring about accommodations.

Hello! This is my first post on Reddit, so let me know if I’m not doing it right. For background: Recently, my company has started to restrict our ability to telework after having flexible telework for 3 years. I developed a condition 2.5 years ago where I’ve used telework to help manage my condition at times. Since the company is making this change I inquired with the onsite physician to see if/what the process is for requesting telework as an accommodation. Since inquiring about the process, I’ve been placed on 4 work restrictions. My condition has not changed or worsen in the last 2 years, nor have I formally requested telework accommodation. I genuinely do not think I even need an accommodation (I never have), but I still wanted to confer with my doctor given the big change. I have in writing that my work restrictions are because I inquired…

Hello! This is my first post on Reddit, so let me know if I’m not doing it right. For background: Recently, my company has started to restrict our ability to telework after having flexible telework for 3 years. I developed a condition 2.5 years ago where I’ve used telework to help manage my condition at times. Since the company is making this change I inquired with the onsite physician to see if/what the process is for requesting telework as an accommodation. Since inquiring about the process, I’ve been placed on 4 work restrictions. My condition has not changed or worsen in the last 2 years, nor have I formally requested telework accommodation. I genuinely do not think I even need an accommodation (I never have), but I still wanted to confer with my doctor given the big change. I have in writing that my work restrictions are because I inquired about telework accommodations, and therefore, that’s an indication that my condition has worsened. Neither my doctors or I believe my condition is worse, and if anything, it’s getting better. I’ve only had one hospital stay the last year (for an unrelated issue) after having multiple over the previous years. TL;DR: I got put on work restrictions after inquiring about accommodations even though my health and job performance has not changed.

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