
What is your opinion regarding people who mocks the reduction of working hours ?

Hello everyone, I was looking at a post about a Tik Tok by a young girl, who, struggling with her first job, rightly criticises the 9-17 “model” [ +commuting hours ]. I totally agree with the girl, what irritates me most are in fact the comments. Leaving aside the fake mature-wise people who call her spoiled and other crap, every time the subject regarding reducing working hours comes up, punctually there are the classic comments that can be summarised as: In country X they work Y hours, don't complain ! I work 25h/day, 8days/week, don't complain ! wElCoMe iN tHe AdUlThOoD, you'll get used to it This is life/This is the world ( and I might add, so what ? ) What do you think drives these people to think this way ? People, who almost always do not correspond to the wealthy-ruling class but to the working class, which…

Hello everyone, I was looking at a post about a Tik Tok by a young girl, who, struggling with her first job, rightly criticises the 9-17 “model” [ +commuting hours ]. I totally agree with the girl, what irritates me most are in fact the comments. Leaving aside the fake mature-wise people who call her spoiled and other crap, every time the subject regarding reducing working hours comes up, punctually there are the classic comments that can be summarised as:

  • In country X they work Y hours, don't complain !
  • I work 25h/day, 8days/week, don't complain !
  • wElCoMe iN tHe AdUlThOoD, you'll get used to it
  • This is life/This is the world ( and I might add, so what ? )

What do you think drives these people to think this way ? People, who almost always do not correspond to the wealthy-ruling class but to the working class, which would itself benefit from a reduction in working hours…

Finally, I hope I have posted my question in the correct sub, in case of r/antiwork does not allow this kind of post, sorry, I will remove it.
Also, I apologise for any mistakes in my English.

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