
Beware of Scam Marketing Jobs on Indeed and LinkedIn

I’m a Digital Marketing Specialist and I’ve been looking around on Indeed and LinkedIn for fun. Applied to a few listings that were titled “Marketing Associate”, “Sales & Marketing Representative”, “Marketing Assistant”, etc. Red flag number one, heard back almost immediately. I got on a call with the recruiter and scheduled an interview. Did some research on the agency and upon seeing their website I immediately knew they were an MLM (maybe I’m not using this correctly but let me explain). Red flag two, their website looked like it was built by a third grader using the early 2000s version of Wordpress. How are you going to call yourself a marketing agency and not have your website be somewhat visually optimized? Red flag three, their website mentioned nothing of basic marketing or digital marketing services. Nothing about web design, development, SEO, social media management, etc. I obviously did not proceed…

I’m a Digital Marketing Specialist and I’ve been looking around on Indeed and LinkedIn for fun. Applied to a few listings that were titled “Marketing Associate”, “Sales & Marketing Representative”, “Marketing Assistant”, etc.

Red flag number one, heard back almost immediately.

I got on a call with the recruiter and scheduled an interview. Did some research on the agency and upon seeing their website I immediately knew they were an MLM (maybe I’m not using this correctly but let me explain).

Red flag two, their website looked like it was built by a third grader using the early 2000s version of WordPress. How are you going to call yourself a marketing agency and not have your website be somewhat visually optimized?

Red flag three, their website mentioned nothing of basic marketing or digital marketing services. Nothing about web design, development, SEO, social media management, etc.

I obviously did not proceed with the interview, however, unfortunately, one of my friends were roped in by one of these agencies.

They told them she was working as a Marketing Assistant but on her first day they had her drive with a coworker to Costco and sell Verizon phones. Completely not what they had in the job description.

These agencies are preying on young, college graduates specifically. A lot of them list the salary at $60k-$120k/yr, when in reality they’re paying you $15/hr plus commission (if you can even call it that, they took 50% of the commission my friend made for the week). You’re not gonna hit anywhere near those numbers. They’re exploiting you.

I hate that companies like this are allowed to exist.

Be careful out there.

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