I currently am extremely angry… I’ve filed a complaint with the proper agency but I need help getting the pay I am owed. Short story long, I am a director at this company that was hired to fix the previous issues. I am very skilled in my job and show up every single day early and stay late. I am salary paid and a joke of one at that… however being in management I am ‘exempt’. Now, Thursday afternoon my son broke his foot at school. I had to take him to the emergency room, we sat there for 7 hours with no medical attention before we drove home and I called my supervisor (the one that wrote this) EARLY morning on Friday to let him know I cannot come in and I am driving to the town over to the large hospital in the big city (extremely rural community I am in) – I called at 5am on my way to the hospital and no answer, I texted and got no response until 3 hours later at 8am saying I’m not communicating? I sent screenshots of my attempts to reach out. Didn’t matter. I was done the second I didn’t show up. I am a single mother of three. I work 60 hours a week and this man is extremely hostile. He not only showed up at my house unannounced that same weekend both Friday and Saturday night, but he also had employees drive around the hospital in town looking for my car… I didn’t answer the door out of fear honestly. I brought a dr note and X-rays in Monday hoping he had cooled off and got this in return. My check is tomorrow and I am genuinely scared to confront this man about no pay. Please help me figure out what to do.