
Am I allowed to record if I’m being harassed at work ?

I work for vail resorts and the second day working and flags are arising because every where I turn, I catch am Employee watching me but immediately start acting like they busy. I took a break , went in the break room and they literally started working by the break room like they had something to do but in essence we're watching me. You would think I was apart of the taliban or something the way it's so secretive. Corporate did background checks and I was cleared so why are they doing this? moving forward today the same thing occurred so I called them out , the head manager calls a meeting and says ” we had some people last season do some fuk ups , no offense towards you but I'm glad they are watching , there's things I hate with my higher ups but I agree with it…

I work for vail resorts and the second day working and flags are arising because every where I turn, I catch am Employee watching me but immediately start acting like they busy. I took a break , went in the break room and they literally started working by the break room like they had something to do but in essence we're watching me. You would think I was apart of the taliban or something the way it's so secretive. Corporate did background checks and I was cleared so why are they doing this? moving forward today the same thing occurred so I called them out , the head manager calls a meeting and says ” we had some people last season do some fuk ups , no offense towards you but I'm glad they are watching , there's things I hate with my higher ups but I agree with it and suck it up and if I feel like it's too much then I'll leave ” so they acted like it was no problem and meeting adjourned. it died down a little but it started happening again and I position my phone in my pocket a certain way and they stopped so fast …. they went back and told the manager I was recording and he came out slamming boxes and real upset but didn't have the balls to ask if I was recording . Just trying to look at the inside of my phone to see if it was recording but I had my phone pressed against my chest .They were just pissed… but the harassment stopped when they thought I was recording….. . I'm. The only black person working too. I feel like the manager is having the employees surveillance me so I can complain, the more I complain I become the problem so fire the problem.. I'm pretty sure if he would have did his due diligence and get on the employees doing this it would be no problem, but he's the one that's telling them to do this I believe … what should I do ?

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