
I just quit my first job in months, after 8 days

Being a bit older than most job seekers and under qualified has always limited my job potential, most my jobs have been some form of retail, food or utility based. In my latest job I started last week as a kitchen steward at a hotel/conference hall. I knew from the first day this job was labour heavy and long hours. After my second half day I was already talking to the chef about wanting to try something else, by the third day I even ran it by someone on their HR team but was told chances were limited during my 3 month trial period. And by today I hit my breaking point, having to deal with all the dishwashing from a full conference by myself, I didn’t have enough time to finish it all by the end of my shift. I entered the lift again and went up to HR…

Being a bit older than most job seekers and under qualified has always limited my job potential, most my jobs have been some form of retail, food or utility based.

In my latest job I started last week as a kitchen steward at a hotel/conference hall. I knew from the first day this job was labour heavy and long hours.

After my second half day I was already talking to the chef about wanting to try something else, by the third day I even ran it by someone on their HR team but was told chances were limited during my 3 month trial period.

And by today I hit my breaking point, having to deal with all the dishwashing from a full conference by myself, I didn’t have enough time to finish it all by the end of my shift.

I entered the lift again and went up to HR and got to speak to someone from the jobs team directly. She said the only job they had right now was housekeeping, but admitted it was equally labour intense.

Sadly I ended up quitting on the spot, even with two more rostered shifts on my timetable.

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