
You guys need to be a little more discerning about what you read/upvote on here

Earlier today a post was made by a user who also posted the same wall of text on lost generation, late stage capitalism, etc. While first few lines seem sympathetic there's a sudden curveball thrown in that most people seemed to gloss over. Specifically the post contained a line referencing “Europe being invaded”. Anyone who's paid any attention to fascist rhetoric over the past few years should have immediately recognized this as great replacement/anti-immigrant propaganda. Despite this, the post recieved quite a bit of engagement and very few people seemed to have recognized this for what it was. I feel the need to point this out because this is exactly how fascism ingratiates itself into communities. Many people here feel disenfranchised and hopeless, and while that can be the catalyst that motivates people towards action against capitalism and labour exploitation, it can just as easily be used to radicalize younger…

Earlier today a post was made by a user who also posted the same wall of text on lost generation, late stage capitalism, etc.

While first few lines seem sympathetic there's a sudden curveball thrown in that most people seemed to gloss over. Specifically the post contained a line referencing “Europe being invaded”. Anyone who's paid any attention to fascist rhetoric over the past few years should have immediately recognized this as great replacement/anti-immigrant propaganda. Despite this, the post recieved quite a bit of engagement and very few people seemed to have recognized this for what it was.

I feel the need to point this out because this is exactly how fascism ingratiates itself into communities. Many people here feel disenfranchised and hopeless, and while that can be the catalyst that motivates people towards action against capitalism and labour exploitation, it can just as easily be used to radicalize younger users who are just entering the workforce and are susceptible to bad actors and bad ideas.

This is honestly not the first time I've noticed stuff like this on this sub (I've noticed similar things going on in latestagecapitalism, aboringdystopia, lost generation, etc.) and it's very troubling.

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