
My new job is hard on my back and I don’t know what to do

I started a new job at a cake store chain, but on my first day I had to be sent home and can't come back until I get a doctor's approval to work there because when I tried piping the cakes, the squeezing in my wrists caused excruciating back and shoulder pain. I don't want to work this place because of it but I need the money and I haven't gotten offers for a better job yet. The doctor might not even clear me. I'm not sure what I should do, if I should stomach it and ask for pain meds to get through, or just suck it up and quit after one shift and keep job hunting. It's not even great pay, but it's the only job that's reached out and wanted to hire me near my house.

I started a new job at a cake store chain, but on my first day I had to be sent home and can't come back until I get a doctor's approval to work there because when I tried piping the cakes, the squeezing in my wrists caused excruciating back and shoulder pain. I don't want to work this place because of it but I need the money and I haven't gotten offers for a better job yet. The doctor might not even clear me. I'm not sure what I should do, if I should stomach it and ask for pain meds to get through, or just suck it up and quit after one shift and keep job hunting. It's not even great pay, but it's the only job that's reached out and wanted to hire me near my house.

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