
A short experiment: lurking r/entrepreneurs

I’ve lurked that sub for a couple of days now, and what a surprise?! The low key, in the making, little to big sociopaths, all hanging out in there, casually discussing ‘how “hypothetically” could they profit from war’, ‘how transparent should they be to their workers’, and one of my personal favourites: ‘moral compass? should businesses have it?’. These are the people hurting our lives every day. The ones making their life purpose — or their ‘side hustle’ — to deceive, underpay, gaslight workers and consumers for the sake of shareholder profit. Climate?! Fuck that as well, as long as there's profit to be made. I was aware of the existence of such subs, but reading the actual conversations was a whole other experience. Even on linkedin you don’t get that kind of lunacy. Edit: Typo: I’ve meant r/ entrepreneur (without the ‘s’)

I’ve lurked that sub for a couple of days now, and what a surprise?! The low key, in the making, little to big sociopaths, all hanging out in there, casually discussing ‘how “hypothetically” could they profit from war’, ‘how transparent should they be to their workers’, and one of my personal favourites: ‘moral compass? should businesses have it?’.

These are the people hurting our lives every day. The ones making their life purpose — or their ‘side hustle’ — to deceive, underpay, gaslight workers and consumers for the sake of shareholder profit. Climate?! Fuck that as well, as long as there's profit to be made.

I was aware of the existence of such subs, but reading the actual conversations was a whole other experience. Even on linkedin you don’t get that kind of lunacy.

Edit: Typo: I’ve meant r/ entrepreneur (without the ‘s’)

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