
Workers comp and a new job

I’m currently collecting comp and cleared to return but things haven’t been going smoothly with my company and the insurance provider “clearing” me to return. I decided to find and new job and am currently going through the horsing process. They are about to pull a background check, I didn’t disclose to the perspective employer that I’m out on comp since I’m clear to return. Can my current employer disclose that I’m currently on comp to my new employer or would that violate HIPPA. I’m guessing all they can say is I’m currently employed and have been working from them since 20xx

I’m currently collecting comp and cleared to return but things haven’t been going smoothly with my company and the insurance provider “clearing” me to return. I decided to find and new job and am currently going through the horsing process. They are about to pull a background check, I didn’t disclose to the perspective employer that I’m out on comp since I’m clear to return. Can my current employer disclose that I’m currently on comp to my new employer or would that violate HIPPA. I’m guessing all they can say is I’m currently employed and have been working from them since 20xx

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