
Toxic supervisor

Horrible coworkers are what can make you hate your job I have been working at the front desk for a year now, tbh didn't know how I lasted that long. But anyways working the front desk isn't too bad for me except for the fact that you are standing in front of a computer for 8 hours with only one person. And hopefully you're stuck with the coworker you actually get along with. The worst part is that you can't even MOVE, you have to never leave the desk waiting for check ins and answering phone calls. Anyways I have one coworker, supervisor actually, that absolutely made me hate this job. He is the only coworker that I genuinely cannot work with and REFUSE to work with. None of my coworkers don't like him either and just end up tolerating his bullshit throughout the shift. We'll call him Donald. Here…

Horrible coworkers are what can make you hate your job

I have been working at the front desk for a year now, tbh didn't know how I lasted that long. But anyways working the front desk isn't too bad for me except for the fact that you are standing in front of a computer for 8 hours with only one person. And hopefully you're stuck with the coworker you actually get along with. The worst part is that you can't even MOVE, you have to never leave the desk waiting for check ins and answering phone calls.

Anyways I have one coworker, supervisor actually, that absolutely made me hate this job. He is the only coworker that I genuinely cannot work with and REFUSE to work with. None of my coworkers don't like him either and just end up tolerating his bullshit throughout the shift. We'll call him Donald. Here are the list of things Donald does that drives us insane.

  1. Donald is racist, homophobic, and misogynistic. He does not care what you are but he will constantly blurt out his opinions on hating women and gay people to whoever he is working with or to the guests. He also LOVES to blurt out his political views and mock other people of color's accents and once told a housekeeper that we are in America, “SPEAK ENGLISH”.

  2. He butts in to EVERY single conversation any of us are having with the guest. We all try to create rapport with guest and have meaningful conversations with them. But Donald makes it a mission to butt into every single conversation and just add on to it. Which makes it super awkward because the guest is checking in with us.

  3. He gets tasked with the most simplest things and ends up talking crap about our manager and the amount of work she gives him, then starts throwing stuff around and acting out. One time, we had a lot of walks and he was too overwhelmed with them, he threw the telephone and started throwing key cards all over the desk. He also hates the fact that his boss is a woman.

  4. He doesn't do much work. He likes the title of being a supervisor but not the responsibility.

  5. He just blurts out and sings sometimes. He doesn't sound good. It's annoying.

  6. When you make a mistake, he makes you feel like shit. He never wants to be wrong, so when you are right, he absolutely hates it. Will never ever hold himself accountable.

  7. Will never have your back when it comes to rude guests. One guests kept yelling at me because he thought breakfast was free (it's not) and kept arguing and I kept refusing to give this rude guest free breakfast. Donald gave him free breakfast throughout his stay.

  8. He makes being a supervisor his whole personality. When my coworker and I know something that he doesn't, all hell breaks loose, and he says something along the lines of “It's stupid how the supervisor doesn't know that”, “I'm a supervisor, why do I not know this”.

Also we aren't allowed to park our cars in front of the hotel and every night, our security guards make sure that there are no cars parked at all in front of the hotel. One of our security told Donald that he has to move his car since no one is allowed to park there, Donald refused and kept saying “I'm a supervisor, why should I move my car”. And constantly kept saying it, our security team doesn't like him as well.

I can go on and on but these are the highlights. I really hated working with him to the point that I BEGGED my manager to never schedule me and him in a shift ever again. I haven't worked with him in a while and hope to never do so. My coworker works with him most of the time and I feel so bad for her.

My coworkers and I constantly tell our manager all the stuff he says and does but all she does is end up talking to him. He ends up not listening and does whatever he wants and still somehow isn't fired yet.

At this point, I would love to take it to HR but I just feel like they won't even do anything about it.

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