
Participants Needed for a Study for Abusive Supervision

Hi! I'm a PhD candidate in Canada doing my dissertation on abusive supervision. I am looking at how abusive supervision impacts individual's personal identity. It is a mixed methods study, so I am first interviewing candidates. It would be anonymous. I am looking for participants who have been abused by their supervisor within the past two years. If you would be willing to participate in an interview (ensuring everything is confidential), please private message me! I can explain in more detail if you would like there. Many participants find it helpful to speak to someone about it!

Hi! I'm a PhD candidate in Canada doing my dissertation on abusive supervision. I am looking at how abusive supervision impacts individual's personal identity. It is a mixed methods study, so I am first interviewing candidates. It would be anonymous. I am looking for participants who have been abused by their supervisor within the past two years. If you would be willing to participate in an interview (ensuring everything is confidential), please private message me! I can explain in more detail if you would like there. Many participants find it helpful to speak to someone about it!

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