
ADHD and work venting

Because of my ADHD I can't hold a job for more than a few months at a time I always fail no matter how hard I try I don't feel like I'm capable of working at all in general I give it my all but my all doesn't seem like enough and I've had to deal with unstable housing and homelessness because of this. I'm unorganized and horrible with schedules and it seems like no matter what precautions I take I can't stick to a schedule. Also I'm 23 and I don't even know how to do taxes I'm absolutely horrible with any kind of paperwork and try to avoid it. This ultra capitalistic system definitely wasn't made in favor of neruodivergent people like myself I just want it to end I don't want to keep having unstable housing situations just because I was born with something I have no…

Because of my ADHD I can't hold a job for more than a few months at a time I always fail no matter how hard I try I don't feel like I'm capable of working at all in general I give it my all but my all doesn't seem like enough and I've had to deal with unstable housing and homelessness because of this. I'm unorganized and horrible with schedules and it seems like no matter what precautions I take I can't stick to a schedule. Also I'm 23 and I don't even know how to do taxes I'm absolutely horrible with any kind of paperwork and try to avoid it. This ultra capitalistic system definitely wasn't made in favor of neruodivergent people like myself I just want it to end I don't want to keep having unstable housing situations just because I was born with something I have no control over. Many will try to say you can fall back on family but in my case I don't have that option my dad is the only one I have left really and he never tried to understand the fact that I have ADHD to him everything is just an “excuse” and won't let me live with him unless “I'm working my ass off” and he also hates the fact that I'm LGBT+

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