
Resigned as 20 yr Senior Process Engineer from Semiconductor Field

Today I resigned from a 20 yr Senior Process Engineering career with Americas (once) leading semiconductor manufacturer. I was forced to resigned to give 24/7 caregiving to a disabled family member in need. Despite myself initiating the leave I was hoping my locked RSU stocks would be allowed to vest given my vast service and time in need. This would cost the company nothing and has no legal obligation for this but I was hoping I would see appreciation and reciprocation after dedicating my life to them. This was denied and the company now sees me as worthless. I plan to reenter the workforce and you would think leaving with good standing with a senior engineer in a field severely lacking experience would be a priority. But the decision is not a complete shock. Upper management is completely incompetent with decades of poor decisions and not prioritizing employees or long…

Today I resigned from a 20 yr Senior Process Engineering career with Americas (once) leading semiconductor manufacturer. I was forced to resigned to give 24/7 caregiving to a disabled family member in need. Despite myself initiating the leave I was hoping my locked RSU stocks would be allowed to vest given my vast service and time in need. This would cost the company nothing and has no legal obligation for this but I was hoping I would see appreciation and reciprocation after dedicating my life to them. This was denied and the company now sees me as worthless.

I plan to reenter the workforce and you would think leaving with good standing with a senior engineer in a field severely lacking experience would be a priority. But the decision is not a complete shock. Upper management is completely incompetent with decades of poor decisions and not prioritizing employees or long term investments. I have seen process engineers work insane hours only to quit after a year or two. Now we have lost severe value of the company and no longer a leader in the field. The idea was there would always be someone else ready to apply. What is lost is it takes 10 years to be fully proficient in my job and you can’t run a major semiconductor company with only an average of 1-2 years of engineering experience. It’s clear management still does not understand talent should be the highest priority given.

It’s sad to see such a great American company be destroyed. We lost mobile and now about to lose the AI race because of these same incompetent managers remain in place. We have rewarded failed executives and CEOs with huge multi million dollar golden parachutes but can’t help a senior engineer of 20 years with an exemplary service.

Another major issue with semiconductor executive management is most have no idea the complexity of how a chip is made. They truly believe that by executing a command “We shall become a market leader again in 12 months” will turn the ship based on hope alone, not understanding it takes over 10 years to develop high volume process lines.

Anyway ya I’m a bit salty. But to reiterate what we already see in this sub is companies do not care about you at all. Do not put in more than needed because you’re nothing but a commodity that can be replaced. These past failed CEOs couldn’t care less about ruining the company because of their million dollar payouts. The cycle will continue until the company is bankrupt.

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