
Getting texts and calls on my ONE day off

I get one day off a week. Today is that day. Tomorrow starts 7 days in a row for me. My boss asked me to do something for him yesterday and I completely forgot. He texted me and when I didn't answer the text, half an hour later he called me. I've worked for this company for 2 years now. They fired me in March then begged me to come back in June. I went back because it's a 4min walk from home. I can't find anything work from home and every other job is minimum an hour commute each way by public transit. This is also the only reason I stay. I can't afford not to work either. It is a small business and I have 2 bosses. The owner and the CEO. It is the owner who asked me to do something and who's calling me now. I…

I get one day off a week. Today is that day. Tomorrow starts 7 days in a row for me.

My boss asked me to do something for him yesterday and I completely forgot. He texted me and when I didn't answer the text, half an hour later he called me.

I've worked for this company for 2 years now. They fired me in March then begged me to come back in June. I went back because it's a 4min walk from home. I can't find anything work from home and every other job is minimum an hour commute each way by public transit. This is also the only reason I stay. I can't afford not to work either.

It is a small business and I have 2 bosses. The owner and the CEO. It is the owner who asked me to do something and who's calling me now. I stay late at least 2 days a week and have to fight to get overtime pay.

I hate my job.

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