
“I am sick so I can’t work today”

8 words my manager doesn't understand. Basically where I work they have a policy where if you can't work on a specific day you need to find someone else to do your shift for you, if you can't find anyone; that sucks you still need to work that day. At first I only thought this was for things like having to go to places and stuff, but apparently this applies to being sick too, (Except for the first time? At least in my experience) This means that if you when you're sick can't find someone to work your shift, you need to work while sick. No matter how sick. I recently had a really bad fever (talking sleeping most of the day, can't eat anything, can barely get out of bed sick) and tried to call in sick, which, of course meant that I had to try to find someone…

8 words my manager doesn't understand.

Basically where I work they have a policy where if you can't work on a specific day you need to find someone else to do your shift for you, if you can't find anyone; that sucks you still need to work that day.

At first I only thought this was for things like having to go to places and stuff, but apparently this applies to being sick too,
(Except for the first time? At least in my experience)

This means that if you when you're sick can't find someone to work your shift, you need to work while sick. No matter how sick.

I recently had a really bad fever (talking sleeping most of the day, can't eat anything, can barely get out of bed sick) and tried to call in sick, which, of course meant that I had to try to find someone to work for me, but its very simple as a colleague to just say “no cant”, which would be fine, if it wasn't everyone doing that and it didn't mean I had to work with my sick head.

On top of that, the person I was working with (we usually work in groups of 2 there) was constantly crituquing that I was working too slow. I explained to them multiple times that I was sick but that wasn't a good excuse.

Furthermore, I usually work from 5-7 there, but I was only allowed to leave after I finished all my work, which, due to me being a bit slow because surprise: I was sick meant I could only leave half an hour later, but not before my manager talking to me about how I seemed lazy and unmotivated that day: “I know you're sick, you also don't look to well, but you were very slow today which brings trouble for [colleague I was working with]

Sorry for the rant, I'm just kinds pissed abt this and wonder about morality and stuffs

It's at least another thing on the big pile of “things that my first job does to me that makes me (a 15 year old) stressed about the fact that in a few years this will be my full-time future

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