
I hate my job now

I’m a salesman for and industrial supplier. It started off I nice job and everything was great. Then I got “promoted “. Really the manager left to pursue their own dream and the company just needed to fill a spot so I was pushed into his role. I am essentially running an entire business unit by myself. I do everything from selling, delivering, ordering, purchasing, and AR. The responsibility is way too much for just one person to support. I was promised I’d have an employee hired to help out but it’s been over a year. I’ve interviewed candidates that were great and told management they need to hire this candidate and they never do. I suspect they just don’t want to pay another employee. I personally get paid like crap, only 43k per year. Was told I would get commission but the commission structure is a joke. The biggest…

I’m a salesman for and industrial supplier. It started off I nice job and everything was great. Then I got “promoted “. Really the manager left to pursue their own dream and the company just needed to fill a spot so I was pushed into his role.

I am essentially running an entire business unit by myself. I do everything from selling, delivering, ordering, purchasing, and AR. The responsibility is way too much for just one person to support. I was promised I’d have an employee hired to help out but it’s been over a year. I’ve interviewed candidates that were great and told management they need to hire this candidate and they never do. I suspect they just don’t want to pay another employee.

I personally get paid like crap, only 43k per year. Was told I would get commission but the commission structure is a joke. The biggest commission check I’ve gotten is $1,000. This is doing between 100k-150k per month in sales. I really believe I deserve a minimum of 60k base salary for all the shit I do.

I can barely afford to live anymore. I pay the bare minimum on my bills and I don’t have anything left. Meanwhile my direct supervisor is easily clearing 100k. While I’m busting my butt to make pennies.

Also had a friend that worked in a neighboring business unit that’s fully staffed who would come over and help me when I needed. Well he quit because they treated him like crap. He was barely making $30k and just needed work.

Now I’m really trying to leave because I don’t enjoy this work anymore and it’s messing with my own joy.

Rant over.

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