
What is your strategy to finding a job within a month ?

I personally never downloaded LinkedIn due to lack of experience and education. I'm currently still in community college studying for radiography. But so far only have worked in fast food and retail store. Currently looking for jobs but I signed up for indeed and get updates for jobs all the time. I applied to many but still no sign of luck. I thought about applying jobs at hospitals or something healthcare medical related so I could build experience and connections. I don't know honestly what to do.

I personally never downloaded LinkedIn due to lack of experience and education. I'm currently still in community college studying for radiography. But so far only have worked in fast food and retail store. Currently looking for jobs but I signed up for indeed and get updates for jobs all the time. I applied to many but still no sign of luck. I thought about applying jobs at hospitals or something healthcare medical related so I could build experience and connections. I don't know honestly what to do.

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