
HR dismissing severe nut allergy

Our workplace has put in a coffee maker. Its great for other people and thats fine but there are Hazelnut coffee pods. I cant be around nuts at all. I can't even breath it in. I tried explaining to HR this but they dismissed my allergy saying “it couldn't possibly be that bad, why can't you breath it in”. I dont want the coffee maker taken away from others but the breakroom is next to my desk. Even if i never step in that room again, I'll be exposed. Touching a peanut butter chip meant for baking put me in the ER. There argument was “people take nuts in there all the time. I cant hang a sign saying no nuts. People will bring their own pods and i can't control that. You work in a grocery store, honey.” They're right about that. It's not reasonable to do that to…

Our workplace has put in a coffee maker. Its great for other people and thats fine but there are Hazelnut coffee pods. I cant be around nuts at all. I can't even breath it in. I tried explaining to HR this but they dismissed my allergy saying “it couldn't possibly be that bad, why can't you breath it in”. I dont want the coffee maker taken away from others but the breakroom is next to my desk. Even if i never step in that room again, I'll be exposed. Touching a peanut butter chip meant for baking put me in the ER.

There argument was “people take nuts in there all the time. I cant hang a sign saying no nuts. People will bring their own pods and i can't control that. You work in a grocery store, honey.” They're right about that. It's not reasonable to do that to others but at the same time, i don't hang out in the room when people have nuts in there. I try my best to be accommodating to others so they can enjoy their food but, i need help too. It's a team effort to keep me safe and they don't understand. I don't want to be a bother but i cant help it. I dont even go into cafes.

Our lockers are also in the breakroom so my stuff has been moved to my desk but that wont help me much. I felt like such a bother and inconvenience because HR is frustrated and groaning at me about my concerns.

I think i need a new job then… I'm very frustrated and scared because i cant afford an epipen or medical bills. If I'm exposed, thats it. I die.

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