
Employer wants me to make up sick days…

To make a very long story short, and I’m leaving out a lot but trying to be succinct… I tried leaving my job months ago because I was going through some health stuff and the hours were too much. They created a new part time position in order to keep me. Then because we are so short-staffed they kept having me work days/times outside of what we had agreed to. So essentially I was still working close to full time or actual full time hours but without benefits (because they took them away when I became a “part time” employee). After a while I just asked to be full time again since I was working those hours and at least I could have benefits then. They said no, then the next week asked me if I would work even more hours than what I had been working as a full…

To make a very long story short, and I’m leaving out a lot but trying to be succinct… I tried leaving my job months ago because I was going through some health stuff and the hours were too much. They created a new part time position in order to keep me.

Then because we are so short-staffed they kept having me work days/times outside of what we had agreed to. So essentially I was still working close to full time or actual full time hours but without benefits (because they took them away when I became a “part time” employee).

After a while I just asked to be full time again since I was working those hours and at least I could have benefits then.

They said no, then the next week asked me if I would work even more hours than what I had been working as a full time employee and I said no.

At that point I decided to quit but since we work in phases, I was going to stick it out til the end for the sake of my students.

I went on vacation (unpaid, had it planned since February of this year) and unfortunately caught Covid. I came back to work but then realized how sick I was, tested myself, and it was positive so I went home and was told to stay home til Saturday.

Anyway, I put in my notice and the first frame is what I received back.

I have never actually been out of work sick at any job for any extended period of time so I really don’t know what is normal but that set off alarms in my head.

I asked a bunch of my friends if that sounded normal to them and i got a resounding “No.”

I am tempted to just not go back at all, but I don’t want my students to suffer. Thoughts? Also has anyone heard of this before?

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