
HR gone rogue

Applied online for a state job in August and the job opening closed up after an open recruitment period. After three interviews, then an email from HR saying “Congrats Chicken Dinner, you're the final candidate!,” then a background check, I finally got a verbal offer from a department with a December 1 start. I said that sounds good but can we match my salary at my current company. It was something like a $4k increase. I worked at my current toxic job for 7 years without a raise before this summer, so I didn’t think it unreasonable to try to keep what I got. They said they didn’t think that’d be a problem and just had to get the salary approved by HR.   I've kept in touch with the guy who will be my boss, we are both just waiting on HR to finish its thing 10 days later.…

Applied online for a state job in August and the job opening closed up after an open recruitment period. After three interviews, then an email from HR saying “Congrats Chicken Dinner, you're the final candidate!,” then a background check, I finally got a verbal offer from a department with a December 1 start. I said that sounds good but can we match my salary at my current company. It was something like a $4k increase.

I worked at my current toxic job for 7 years without a raise before this summer, so I didn’t think it unreasonable to try to keep what I got. They said they didn’t think that’d be a problem and just had to get the salary approved by HR.  

I've kept in touch with the guy who will be my boss, we are both just waiting on HR to finish its thing 10 days later.

It's disturbing that there is this disconnect between management and HR. If a hiring manager tells HR that this is the person they’ve selected, HR should get on that offer letter immediately. This is the only job offer I have on the table, so nothing I can do but wait.

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