
What can I do to make my work more tolerable and work less overall?

I'm gonna preface this by saying some might consider me one of the luckier ones (?) – I work at a large company with pretty decent benefits, pay is 90K which is competitive for my field tho it could be better cuz I'm in a high COL area, 24 days of PTO per year, no cap on sicks days and I have some really good coworkers who I get along with very well (and a small number of not-so-good ones too, but that's everywhere). The nature of the work itself is what sucks the most – pretty much being on a phone hotline from 8-5 to support customers with sometimes very difficult or tedious problems. That and they started requiring us to come to the office instead of being remote. While I enjoy money and having a roof over my head I REFUSE to slave away and go “above and…

I'm gonna preface this by saying some might consider me one of the luckier ones (?) – I work at a large company with pretty decent benefits, pay is 90K which is competitive for my field tho it could be better cuz I'm in a high COL area, 24 days of PTO per year, no cap on sicks days and I have some really good coworkers who I get along with very well (and a small number of not-so-good ones too, but that's everywhere). The nature of the work itself is what sucks the most – pretty much being on a phone hotline from 8-5 to support customers with sometimes very difficult or tedious problems. That and they started requiring us to come to the office instead of being remote.

While I enjoy money and having a roof over my head I REFUSE to slave away and go “above and beyond” and “come early and leave late” every single fucking day. I have many medical conditions ranging from diagnosed medical illness to really bad allergies to IBS. I'm seriously considering using these to get a reasonable accommodation to bypass the stupid “mandatory in office” attendance that feels so much like grade school. Or to get out of super stressful situations where I'm being pressured and verbally berated by a bipolar senior lead. Also if I could somehow spin these conditions as credible reasons for why I'm not working super late or supporting more customers than colleague XYZ, etc. Idk, I'm just thinking out loud here. I basically want to sort of “quiet quit” and make it through a few more years and find something better, but protect my ass at the same time.

Anyone have any experience? Or any advice?

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