
Am I right to be skeptical?

Hello all so here’s the situation. A couple of weeks back I applied for a photography/sales job. It’s different from what I’m used to but one where I could apply skills that I’ve learned so far as a college student and during my time working in food/customer service. I heard back yesterday but missed the call and didn’t see it until after hours. So I called the woman back today and told her my name, that I was returning her call from yesterday etc etc. She asks if I’m still interested in the job and I say yes. There is a pause as it appears we were both waiting for the other to say more (I’m thinking since she called me first she would have more to say/questions to ask me). After a couple of questions about what hours I’m looking for, she asks me if I’ve done a background…

Hello all so here’s the situation. A couple of weeks back I applied for a photography/sales job. It’s different from what I’m used to but one where I could apply skills that I’ve learned so far as a college student and during my time working in food/customer service. I heard back yesterday but missed the call and didn’t see it until after hours. So I called the woman back today and told her my name, that I was returning her call from yesterday etc etc.

She asks if I’m still interested in the job and I say yes. There is a pause as it appears we were both waiting for the other to say more (I’m thinking since she called me first she would have more to say/questions to ask me).

After a couple of questions about what hours I’m looking for, she asks me if I’ve done a background check?? I feel like if it’s our first time speaking and they only have my name and resume and the fact that I applied, at what point and how would a background check have happened?

The call ended with her saying she'd call me back later today but that never happened. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt because she did sound stressed and busy. I don't think she was rude but I also don't think she was very happy to be called at that point in time. Should I have offered to call back at another time? Does this even seem worth it? The pay isn't looking so great either so I don't think I'm all that interested anymore anyway.

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