
My boss took me off all of my assignments so that I can exclusively make all of her powerpoint presentations, did I get demoted? Am I wasting my time with this job?

I work at a law firm. I don't know what my job actually is at this law firm beyond “powerpoint guy.” Basically, I got hired as a demand writer after I got burned out at my other job and moved back with my family. It was a pretty cool job in that I basically wrote very long demand letters for the attorneys at the firm and did PowerPoints the attorneys would then use for mediation. There was drama with a manager that is a VERY long story, I've complained about it on here before. Part of the solution to that drama ended up being me moving away from writing demand letters and now I exclusively make PowerPoints. At first, I thought this was a demotion and tried to work hard to get back into demand writing because I worried that I was more disposable as the PowerPoints guy, especially since…

I work at a law firm. I don't know what my job actually is at this law firm beyond “powerpoint guy.” Basically, I got hired as a demand writer after I got burned out at my other job and moved back with my family. It was a pretty cool job in that I basically wrote very long demand letters for the attorneys at the firm and did PowerPoints the attorneys would then use for mediation. There was drama with a manager that is a VERY long story, I've complained about it on here before. Part of the solution to that drama ended up being me moving away from writing demand letters and now I exclusively make PowerPoints.

At first, I thought this was a demotion and tried to work hard to get back into demand writing because I worried that I was more disposable as the PowerPoints guy, especially since I now am the only person that does PowerPoints and there are several other writers who do the letters. However, my boss pulled me aside one day and said she was worried I wasn't happy. She explained that she gave me this position because I'm the only person in the demand writing department that knows how to do PowerPoints well and because I am the only person that reviews every document regarding a case, so she's been using me to do like a final review of the case before it goes to mediation. I then go over the PowerPoint with her a few days before to make sure everything is squared away. Then she gave me a raise…

So now I feel more valued in my position, but like….what the heck is my position? I mainly ask so I can figure out what to put on my resume, but also like I can't figure out if I just got finessed, if my boss just said something to make me feel better, or if I actually have a valuable position. People at the firm, even other attorneys, sometimes make comments about how they can't do what I do, but like part of me struggles to believe that. Also, where do I go from here? I don't want to remain in the legal field, this is just a job to pay my bills while I work on my writing career, but say I get fired or quit for some reason, what can I do with this experience? I feel like I'd probably just label it a demand writer. On the directory we use in the firm, I am still listed as a “Legal Writer” but I haven't written a demand letter in months and my boss has no intention for me to write demand letters unless the other writers fall behind.

TLDR; I have a unique position with a law firm, and I am not sure what to make of it. I used to write letters for the attorneys, but now I exclusively make PowerPoints for mediations. I think I'm being paranoid, but sometimes I think I've been demoted and I am the least valuable person at the firm, however I got a raise. Everyone seems to think my job is very difficult but sometimes I think they're just flattering me. Also, what can I do with this experience when I leave? how do I list it on my resume?

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