
Screw a ‘normal’ job, I’ve had enough. I’m joining the gypsy fair.

I (21M) work in a warehouse doing order picking (imagine an Amazon worker but with foodstuffs). I've been at my current job for about… 15 months? Ish? And I fucking hated it. But I couldn't even get a call back from anyone, and I don't have a safety net, so I couldn't just quit. So I took a month off in October (full pay), and I couldn't believe the difference. 4 whole weeks away from the bullshit. 4 weeks without almost having a breakdown, or thinking about stepping in front of a train. I got bored, don't get me wrong. But my life didn't suck anymore. During that time I decided to go overseas and see my family who i hadn't seen in a while. They had joined a gypsy fair, so I worked with them for three days at the fair. And I had fun. I wasn't rolling in…

I (21M) work in a warehouse doing order picking (imagine an Amazon worker but with foodstuffs). I've been at my current job for about… 15 months? Ish? And I fucking hated it. But I couldn't even get a call back from anyone, and I don't have a safety net, so I couldn't just quit. So I took a month off in October (full pay), and I couldn't believe the difference. 4 whole weeks away from the bullshit. 4 weeks without almost having a breakdown, or thinking about stepping in front of a train. I got bored, don't get me wrong. But my life didn't suck anymore.

During that time I decided to go overseas and see my family who i hadn't seen in a while. They had joined a gypsy fair, so I worked with them for three days at the fair. And I had fun. I wasn't rolling in money, (~500usd, as my share of three) but it was enjoyable. Now I'm going to go join them in late November / early December. And I'm not giving my current employers any notice. Fuck the normal grind,

If people would like, i can provide feedback later as to my income while with the fair so they can pursue other options as well 🙂

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