
Work made me use a vacation day to care for sick child

I have one week of sick days each year at my company- use them or lose them by end of year. This is my first year there and I didn’t call in all year bc I wasn’t sick plus I wanted to make a good impression. Well my kid got sick so I called in to take care of sick child. My work took a vacation day. When I asked about it they said we told you that when you started and it’s in the handbook that sick days are only for you. I am so behind all the time I cannot imagine using up my remaining sick days plus u need a dr nite if it’s three days in a row. It just infuriates me.

I have one week of sick days each year at my company- use them or lose them by end of year. This is my first year there and I didn’t call in all year bc I wasn’t sick plus I wanted to make a good impression. Well my kid got sick so I called in to take care of sick child. My work took a vacation day. When I asked about it they said we told you that when you started and it’s in the handbook that sick days are only for you. I am so behind all the time I cannot imagine using up my remaining sick days plus u need a dr nite if it’s three days in a row. It just infuriates me.

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