
Boss Demands Proof of Bday Party

My husband works in shipping and receiving in a warehouse setting. It's not at all a regular thing, but it's sometimes expected that they come in on weekends. Today his boss let everyone know that they needed to come in on the weekend of the 18th for inventory. My husband let them know he wouldn't be able to, because we're celebrating our daughter's birthday. Instead of his boss just flat out telling him it would count against him, he demanded proof that we would be celebrating her birthday. I don't feel like it's really their business, but we don't have invites or a Facebook event or anything as we're just inviting her BFF to join us for festivities. His boss says he'll need to see receipts, then, from taking the kids to Chuck E. Cheese and a movie. Anyone know the legality of this (United States – Kansas)? Husband asked…

My husband works in shipping and receiving in a warehouse setting. It's not at all a regular thing, but it's sometimes expected that they come in on weekends. Today his boss let everyone know that they needed to come in on the weekend of the 18th for inventory. My husband let them know he wouldn't be able to, because we're celebrating our daughter's birthday. Instead of his boss just flat out telling him it would count against him, he demanded proof that we would be celebrating her birthday. I don't feel like it's really their business, but we don't have invites or a Facebook event or anything as we're just inviting her BFF to join us for festivities. His boss says he'll need to see receipts, then, from taking the kids to Chuck E. Cheese and a movie. Anyone know the legality of this (United States – Kansas)? Husband asked that the boss provide proof that the company requires this and so far he hasn't provided it, though he says he will. Is it worth fighting? Should he just provide the receipts or take the point against him? This just seems so silly.

Sorry for the rant. TIA

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