
Age discrimination case? Two week notice or not?

Needing some advice… I've worked for a non-profit organization for 31 years as the assistant manager in my department. I never had the chance to apply for the manager of my department until August, when my boss retired. While I was gone for two weeks of scheduled vacation to help a family member, someone in my dept. complained to the COO about me, because she was unhappy with how my boss and other departmental staff had treated her. When I returned to work, I asked when interviews would start and I was given the cold shoulder from HR and the CEO, who also lied to me about why the interviews were delayed. A week later, there was an “investigation into the work environment in my dept.” I, along with other staff, was questioned by the COO, HR Manager, and another person in HR about the supposed behavior of other staff…

Needing some advice… I've worked for a non-profit organization for 31 years as the assistant manager in my department. I never had the chance to apply for the manager of my department until August, when my boss retired. While I was gone for two weeks of scheduled vacation to help a family member, someone in my dept. complained to the COO about me, because she was unhappy with how my boss and other departmental staff had treated her.

When I returned to work, I asked when interviews would start and I was given the cold shoulder from HR and the CEO, who also lied to me about why the interviews were delayed. A week later, there was an “investigation into the work environment in my dept.” I, along with other staff, was questioned by the COO, HR Manager, and another person in HR about the supposed behavior of other staff and my own behavior in the dept. I was blindsided and I had no idea what was going on! A good friend of mine in the dept. quit talking to me and everyone else got really quiet too.

In mid-October, I was given a warning letter for my “discriminatory and unprofessional behavior” and was told I would be put on a PIP (but with no date or other specifics to improve for the PIP). I've never gotten into trouble at work, so the warning letter and the accusations in it were a complete shock to me. In the warning letter, they told me they withdrew my application for my boss's position, because of the results of the inquiry into the department work environment.

I'm almost 59 years old and I feel like this is a case of age discrimination, above all else. With the warning letter, they've basically put me on notice that they're planning to fire me. I want to leave at the end of the year, because between the management and my staff, it's clear they don't want me around anymore. Should I give a two-week notice or just quit without telling anyone until my last day?

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