
Coworkers screwed me over

Hey everyone. Need some advice and some tough love and a place to vent all at the same time. So LONG STORY SHORT, as this was months of non stop mental torture, I work as an administrator… there’s 3 of us at the front with me being a lead admin. Well both of my coworkers texted me at different days last week that they have quit. One found a new job and another is leaving the country. They both gave me 1 week notice. I’m pretty fucking pissed cuz I’ve been nothing but a good confidant for both of them and even helped them out when they both started becoming lazy and incompetent at their job. One of them has severe emotional issues and the other started withdrawing/silently quitting. They both changed dramatically after their probation ended. And stupidly I just took on their workloads onto mine cuz I couldn’t…

Hey everyone. Need some advice and some tough love and a place to vent all at the same time.

So LONG STORY SHORT, as this was months of non stop mental torture, I work as an administrator… there’s 3 of us at the front with me being a lead admin.

Well both of my coworkers texted me at different days last week that they have quit. One found a new job and another is leaving the country. They both gave me 1 week notice. I’m pretty fucking pissed cuz I’ve been nothing but a good confidant for both of them and even helped them out when they both started becoming lazy and incompetent at their job. One of them has severe emotional issues and the other started withdrawing/silently quitting. They both changed dramatically after their probation ended. And stupidly I just took on their workloads onto mine cuz I couldn’t handle their complaining anymore and had no power to let them go.

Now, I’ve been battling this anger I have for the both of them vs remaining professional to them as I did get a good pay raise, title promotion and power to be able to screen the new team members out of all this… as I shit on the managers for a) not listening to me b) basically threatening that I’m going to leave too as I’ve been. Thus, I got the pay raise raise and power they given me.

I know they both leave this Friday (if they honour their so called notice) but I just don’t want to see them and wish I could just tell them bother not coming back. Im trying hard not to take it personally but I do. I hate this part of myself. But I feel like if they talk to me, I’ll probably snap cuz I’ve been holding on to their BS for too long.

Lesson learned for me: nice guys finish last. Don’t be too kind to coworkers and managers. Cuz now I’m just in a horrible angry state.

How do I quit taking it personally and be “professional” when I just want to be petty and hostile to them until they officially leave. AKA I am planning on leaving too but I got bills to pay and want to save a little bit more before peacing out

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