
On-call holidays

Hey yall. I work for a place that is open 24-7, 365. I was a supervisor and said job but a better opportunity arose and I took it. I stayed I was with the company full time for about 6.5 years and my boss agreed to keep me on call once my new job started. I like my boss I know at times she can use the help and the discount benefit it comes with is pretty helpful but not needed. It’s been about 8 months now and I get scheduled extremely sparingly. I actually haven’t been scheduled in a month and a half. I got a txt from my coworker with the new schedule saying I’m scheduled on Thanksgiving. I don’t think it’s fair at all especially with my tenure there and the sacrifices I’ve made for them. I also the know the scheduling manager isn’t a huge fan…

Hey yall. I work for a place that is open 24-7, 365. I was a supervisor and said job but a better opportunity arose and I took it. I stayed I was with the company full time for about 6.5 years and my boss agreed to keep me on call once my new job started. I like my boss I know at times she can use the help and the discount benefit it comes with is pretty helpful but not needed. It’s been about 8 months now and I get scheduled extremely sparingly. I actually haven’t been scheduled in a month and a half. I got a txt from my coworker with the new schedule saying I’m scheduled on Thanksgiving. I don’t think it’s fair at all especially with my tenure there and the sacrifices I’ve made for them. I also the know the scheduling manager isn’t a huge fan of me because of my original departure and I feel like it’s a way for him to get me to completely detach myself from them. Am I overreacting? Thoughts?

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