
I just did the math, and I’m sick to my stomach. After my company raised our insurance premiums 250% this year, and after taxes, I take home 35k where my salary is 65k a year.

I'm honestly sick to my stomach. Doing the math on insurance because our premium got raised, I'm realizing I never see roughly 30k that I work for. I'm so defeated. We're having our second kid this year, and my partner would like to drop down to part time, but with a 6k deductible to meet, there's just no way that's even possible. I honestly just hate everything about this system we have set up, but don't know what else I can possibly do about it, or my situation. It all just sucks, and I figured this would be the safest place to rant.

I'm honestly sick to my stomach. Doing the math on insurance because our premium got raised, I'm realizing I never see roughly 30k that I work for. I'm so defeated. We're having our second kid this year, and my partner would like to drop down to part time, but with a 6k deductible to meet, there's just no way that's even possible. I honestly just hate everything about this system we have set up, but don't know what else I can possibly do about it, or my situation. It all just sucks, and I figured this would be the safest place to rant.

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