
You tell me my start date is next Monday. Am I being unreasonable wanting to know my hours and roster?

I've been working for a pretty crappy disability service company for about a year while I finished my degree. Now I've finished my degree, I'm looking for other, better jobs for which I am now qualified. A month ago I interviewed for a company, and two weeks ago they offered me a new job. So far, so good, right? Well, two weeks ago they wanted me to start “ASAP”, which when I pinned them down last Friday became “Next Monday”. I've been sent a bunch of onboarding material which I've completed and mandatory forms I've uploaded, but I haven't actually been told what time or location I'm starting at on Monday, nor have I been told how many hours or what my roster will be. There are 2 business days between now and Monday and I don't know what's going on. At this point I am still on the roster…

I've been working for a pretty crappy disability service company for about a year while I finished my degree. Now I've finished my degree, I'm looking for other, better jobs for which I am now qualified. A month ago I interviewed for a company, and two weeks ago they offered me a new job. So far, so good, right?

Well, two weeks ago they wanted me to start “ASAP”, which when I pinned them down last Friday became “Next Monday”. I've been sent a bunch of onboarding material which I've completed and mandatory forms I've uploaded, but I haven't actually been told what time or location I'm starting at on Monday, nor have I been told how many hours or what my roster will be. There are 2 business days between now and Monday and I don't know what's going on. At this point I am still on the roster for my current crappy company, and they keep calling me trying to get me on the roster for next week. What do I do? Do I take Tuesday-Friday roster for next week from my current employer, show up at the new place on Monday and tell them I'm unavailable for the rest of the week? Do I wait until Monday, get a roster from new employer, then call old and say “surprise, I'm not coming back?”

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