
Unstable job.. leave asap or wait it out?

So my current job has a ton of pros for me. It's a 3 min commute, I only work 4 days a week and they are pretty easy going when it comes to the schedule (calling out for emergencies is not difficult at all) I like my co-workers and the work, but not the boss that's Overseeing things now…and for the most part it's pretty stress free as far as the actual work… but the business has not been stable for a while. Our office closed down twice in the last year due to lack of the new owner not being on top of things with the state. Downside no benefits, business changed hands since the original owner passed away and has been unstable for almost a year. Took a pay cut in order to work close to home. Current boss is difficult, also they are looking to move out…

So my current job has a ton of pros for me. It's a 3 min commute, I only work 4 days a week and they are pretty easy going when it comes to the schedule (calling out for emergencies is not difficult at all) I like my co-workers and the work, but not the boss that's Overseeing things now…and for the most part it's pretty stress free as far as the actual work… but the business has not been stable for a while. Our office closed down twice in the last year due to lack of the new owner not being on top of things with the state.

Downside no benefits, business changed hands since the original owner passed away and has been unstable for almost a year. Took a pay cut in order to work close to home. Current boss is difficult, also they are looking to move out of state and sell the business. It's a real estate office and the only potential buyer that would keep office staff as employees and not utilize them as commission only got cold feet. The other potential buyers have expressed interest in the clientele but not the licensed office staff as hourly employees.

My partner and I just had a baby and I can't afford to go commission only if thats how things play out. Currently I'm in the middle of my parental leave and not sure if I should start looking around for another job. Current owner is aiming to sell business this coming spring. I'm nervous about how things will settle.. is it premature to start job hunting?

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