
Apperently it is fine to do drugs on the clock, but heaven help you if you want to write as a way stay awake.

My job went from actually pretty good to terrible to downright I want to stab people. Apparently since I was gone for about 3 weeks due to life events and surgery I've learned a few things that have gone on . We are not allowed to do anything on our shift anymore, that includes reading, writing and talking with our coworkers for more than one minute. (No electronics either) So I guess I get to stare at a wall for 90% of my shift as it's easy to finish within 1 to 2 hours. ( we are basically there at night to make sure that the kids do not try to hurt themselves or others. We do a lot of other things but that is the main thing, it is the saftey of the kids and our top priority, which is kind of hard to do when you're trying not…

My job went from actually pretty good to terrible to downright I want to stab people. Apparently since I was gone for about 3 weeks due to life events and surgery I've learned a few things that have gone on . We are not allowed to do anything on our shift anymore, that includes reading, writing and talking with our coworkers for more than one minute. (No electronics either)

So I guess I get to stare at a wall for 90% of my shift as it's easy to finish within 1 to 2 hours. ( we are basically there at night to make sure that the kids do not try to hurt themselves or others. We do a lot of other things but that is the main thing, it is the saftey of the kids and our top priority, which is kind of hard to do when you're trying not to fall asleep because you're staring at a wall.)

Maybe I wouldn't be so pissed off if it wasn't for the fact that the other shifts are supposed to be following these rules as well but nobody is enforcing them. They can come in hours late and not get written up, but my shift comes in one minute late and we get written up. I see them reading books or on their phones or hell just not even doing their jobs. And I can go on a full rant about how we get mandated 10 times more than the other shifts. So while they get mandated to work a double once every 2 to 3 weeks my shift tends to get mandated 2 to 3 times a week.

And the worst thing about all of this is it is official, anybody at work who files a complaint are being retaliated against. We are all mandated reporters and congrats work has made it impossible to do so. Apparently something happened right after I left for a bit. A co-worker filed complaint about another co-worker and the office decided to tell that person who filed the complaint. Complaints are supposed to be completely Anonymous to avoid being targeted or retaliated against. Since then, from what I can tell nobody will or wants to file a single complaint after seeing the retaliation that that one individual has had. ( already tried myself and was told to pretty much, suck it up buttercup, because the other shifts had a play by these rules as well. Which is a complete lie. I've worked all shifts since I've come back.)

Try to tell HR or supervisors that a coworkers threatening to hit one of the kids, or beat the shit out of them, going to throw away everything they own, or even threatening their own coworkers lives will get you in trouble because you filed a complaint. So despite over eight people reporting the one guy doing drugs on the clock he still works there. But the one person who was writing in their Journal but still doing their job has already gotten two write ups one more and she could get fired. ( and no this guy has not had a single write up which is funny cuz he took a swing at one of the kids the other day and yeah I have no clue how he's still there other than he's probably fucking one of the supervisors)

Sorry advance I used speak to text and it tends to mess up a lot and I'm too tired to go edit everything. That or we can blame all my grammar and spelling mistakes on the fact I'm still pissed.

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