
Boss is being extremely controlling after putting in my notice. Seeking advice

I put in notice at my job and my boss isnt taking it well. There was recently a mass exodus from my job after a long string of management fuck ups and bad treatment of employees. It culmanated with a single mother being fired after she requested additional medical leave becuase of complications with an intensive surgical procedure, causing half the staff to walk out. This has left us very short staffed. I put in a 3 week notice to give them time to find a suitable replacement and give my coworkers support. My boss has always been a micromanager and has significant control issues, and since I've put my notice in these qualities have been showing up even more profoundly. I called in one day this week since my kid was sick and I had no one to watch them. The next day I clocked in 4 minutes late.…

I put in notice at my job and my boss isnt taking it well. There was recently a mass exodus from my job after a long string of management fuck ups and bad treatment of employees. It culmanated with a single mother being fired after she requested additional medical leave becuase of complications with an intensive surgical procedure, causing half the staff to walk out. This has left us very short staffed. I put in a 3 week notice to give them time to find a suitable replacement and give my coworkers support. My boss has always been a micromanager and has significant control issues, and since I've put my notice in these qualities have been showing up even more profoundly.

I called in one day this week since my kid was sick and I had no one to watch them. The next day I clocked in 4 minutes late. Boss called me into their office to tell me they were disappointed in my performance and expected me to “finish strong” at this company. I asked what that meant to them and was told they expected me to be not even 1 minute late and to guarantee that I wouldn't miss any shifts in my notice period. I told them I would do my best but if something comes up (like a sick kid for example) I will be calling in. I also think its unreasonable to expect military timelines from their employees given that we are frequently paid late.

Since this conversation they've been very cold and passive aggressive. I don't think she understands that I'm doing them a favor by staying longer than is expected. Boss seems very angry that I've been more difficult to control and intimidate since I no longer have the treat of being fired hanging over me. The environment has become so toxic that its difficult for me to justify staying for the rest of my notice period.

Am I being unreasonable? Should I stay for the sake of my coworkers or wash my hands of the situation?

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