
The End Of Two-Week Notice.

How many of ya'll are actually giving a two-week notice these days? Back in the day when I was just starting my career, I would have never dared to burn bridges. But nowadays, not only do I not care after being let go without any formal notice or even often times any sign of termination, but I just wait around for better opportunities and money while I sit in limbo for two weeks. Is anyone else feeling this especially with the job market being super competitive out there?

How many of ya'll are actually giving a two-week notice these days? Back in the day when I was just starting my career, I would have never dared to burn bridges. But nowadays, not only do I not care after being let go without any formal notice or even often times any sign of termination, but I just wait around for better opportunities and money while I sit in limbo for two weeks.

Is anyone else feeling this especially with the job market being super competitive out there?

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