
Got told I am being difficult at work, my new manager was moved to my team after being caught masturbating and sending inappropriate messages to women on his old team…

Title says it all really. I have recently found myself in a miserable situation at work (not just me, my whole team) as earlier this year everyone in the department got a hefty pay rise (between 20-30%) while my team didn't even get a raise in line with inflation so we're technically worse off. I did the math and it's around 4% Meanwhile, we have just been told we have a new manager to cover for my manager who is on maternity. This guy has a reputation due to the fact that he was caught masturbating around the corner from the women's toilets a few months ago, not only that, he had several grievances put in against him from female staff on his team saying they have been receiving inappropriate messages from him out of work hours. I have seen these messages and they're disgusting so it's not just some…

Title says it all really.

I have recently found myself in a miserable situation at work (not just me, my whole team) as earlier this year everyone in the department got a hefty pay rise (between 20-30%) while my team didn't even get a raise in line with inflation so we're technically worse off. I did the math and it's around 4%

Meanwhile, we have just been told we have a new manager to cover for my manager who is on maternity. This guy has a reputation due to the fact that he was caught masturbating around the corner from the women's toilets a few months ago, not only that, he had several grievances put in against him from female staff on his team saying they have been receiving inappropriate messages from him out of work hours. I have seen these messages and they're disgusting so it's not just some nasty rumour. All of these messages have been sent to HR.

Anyway earlier this week I was pulled into a call with the Operations Manager who said that I am being unreasonable asking for more money and that I was making things difficult by “repeatedly” asking for something that they can't give us. I put repeatedly in quotes because I have sent exactly one email when the pay rises were first announced back in June and then last week when we were asked in a team meeting how we're feeling I, along with others, said we lack motivation because we feel like our team got left out of the pay rises. I was basically told to keep my mouth shut and not be greedy.

So there you have it, I guess I have learnt my lesson. The company that supposedly prides itself on encouraging staff to speak up if they're unhappy don't like it if you actually speak up.

I now have to answer to this cretin managing our team and have him judge my work in monthly meetings.

I guess I should change tactics and start harassing my female colleagues, I'll move up the ranks in no time! /s

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