
Choosing to be unemployed for the next 6 months, what can I do to maximize my wellbeing or wealth?

I have more than 6 months of emergency funds and savings and I can survive until I need to start looking for a job. I've always been doing day jobs, white collar office type of work but with no degrees so it was dreadful for me to go day to day. I was completely zapped and burnt out and that was 3 months ago. Living without work has given me time to catch up with my family, my friends and my health but I know it's not going to last long. I've used this time to research and study up on beer money, side gig type of work I would love to continue once I'm back in the work force, I think it'll provide me a double cushion and as much as I like looking at stocks and pretending I'm investing, I'm enjoying this free-entrepreneur digital nomad spirit but I…

I have more than 6 months of emergency funds and savings and I can survive until I need to start looking for a job. I've always been doing day jobs, white collar office type of work but with no degrees so it was dreadful for me to go day to day. I was completely zapped and burnt out and that was 3 months ago.

Living without work has given me time to catch up with my family, my friends and my health but I know it's not going to last long. I've used this time to research and study up on beer money, side gig type of work I would love to continue once I'm back in the work force, I think it'll provide me a double cushion and as much as I like looking at stocks and pretending I'm investing, I'm enjoying this free-entrepreneur digital nomad spirit but I know most of it is just hubris. I plan on picking up some certificate or two, I've been liking my once in awhile photography gig where I work for myself and though it's not a constant stream of income, it's the most fun I've had.

I just want to go back without having to dread my life again but I know we have to keep working, my grandparents are dead and they're no longer here to support me and their house caught in a fire, what can I do in these six months?

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