
From 5 days a week down to 2? Ligma.

[A little ranty] Some background: I've worked for this company since june 2022. They bought out my hotels original parent company, who drove us into the ground badly enough that our brand was considering disassociating with us. They've put me through some ridiculous crap, but that's an entirely different post (that I can write if anyone wants to hear that psychological horror saga). Recently I moved to another town so I transferred to a different property under the same ownership closer to me. I adore my job, so this news rocked my very foundation. I came in for my regular 3-11 shift today and my GM pulled me into his office with the new AGM. I truly thought I was getting in trouble for stealing snacks (one of my daily activities), but no. Since they hired the new AGM, they put our old AGM on an 11am-7pm shift. Apparently the…

[A little ranty]

Some background: I've worked for this company since june 2022. They bought out my hotels original parent company, who drove us into the ground badly enough that our brand was considering disassociating with us. They've put me through some ridiculous crap, but that's an entirely different post (that I can write if anyone wants to hear that psychological horror saga). Recently I moved to another town so I transferred to a different property under the same ownership closer to me. I adore my job, so this news rocked my very foundation.

I came in for my regular 3-11 shift today and my GM pulled me into his office with the new AGM. I truly thought I was getting in trouble for stealing snacks (one of my daily activities), but no. Since they hired the new AGM, they put our old AGM on an 11am-7pm shift. Apparently the company thought that was too expensive. So they're forcing the old AGM to work 3-11 full time. My fucking shift. They summed it up by telling me my hours have been cut from five days a week to two days a week. Once I picked my jaw up off the carpet, I told them I was going home. I couldn't manufacture a positive attitude to serve a company who will just pile drive me like that without any warning whatsoever.

I've been working full time 2nd shift since I got hired in 2021. I've dealt with the most absurd, unpredictable, never-before-seen situations with a fucking smile on my face. I've been called an idiot, I've been called a bitch, I've been called a racist, I've been called a liberal, I've been called a trump supporter. But I get significantly more people who tell me almost every day how good I am at my job, that I deserve a raise, and that they'll mention me in their positive reviews. And from what I can see, that's not worth anything to them.

At this point, I've applied to 13 places. I'm taking a little break because I'm just getting more and more angry. When I see bullshit, it comforts me to show other people the bullshit and have them confirm that it is bullshit. My roommate, my boyfriend, and I have been brainstorming my next move. My bf told me since this is my last week scheduled for 5 days, I should request to use my vacation days on the days I'm not scheduled. If they deny me that they may not ever see me again.

Am I overreacting? Normally I question that, but this time I'm secure in my right to be pissed. I'm willing to bet money that I'm one of this company's longest standing employees. Everyone else I've worked with has seen its a sinkhole and ran for their lives. I saw it was a sinkhole just as fast but everyone around me told me to hang in there just a little longer. Why put up with it? My conclusion is that Im conditioned to suffering so I expect it everywhere and have a higher tolerance. Probably something I should unpack with a professional. Everything about this company, this position really, has been nothing but red flags. Fool me 74625 times, shame on me. But I don't have time to wallow. I'm the only one in my house that has a job so I need to get hired somewhere as fast as possible. Back to the job hunt. Lend me your energy like yall did for Goku that one time. Jesus christ.

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