
Work doesn’t give a shit if you’re sick

I’ve been struggling with a medical condition I just got a diagnosis for and I admit that I’ve been mentally shattered because of it. Yet at work (I’m a graphic and web designer), there isn’t a shred of actual empathy to be found. Just none. I told a my immediate supervisor only about the basics (dealing with a new medical problem and am struggling a bit) and one of my team’s senior leaders. Of course, they doled out the usual ‘I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m here if you need anything.’ Then of course, they proceed to fill my workload with bullshit meetings and same-day deadlines while they pester me every hour asking for status updates. I haven’t even had time enough to really process this diagnosis, and I don’t have the mental space enough to do it when I’m being hammered by these people. The worst part? I…

I’ve been struggling with a medical condition I just got a diagnosis for and I admit that I’ve been mentally shattered because of it.

Yet at work (I’m a graphic and web designer), there isn’t a shred of actual empathy to be found. Just none. I told a my immediate supervisor only about the basics (dealing with a new medical problem and am struggling a bit) and one of my team’s senior leaders. Of course, they doled out the usual ‘I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m here if you need anything.’

Then of course, they proceed to fill my workload with bullshit meetings and same-day deadlines while they pester me every hour asking for status updates. I haven’t even had time enough to really process this diagnosis, and I don’t have the mental space enough to do it when I’m being hammered by these people. The worst part? I have been working there for about six months and I have a grand total of two sick days. I’m grateful to have them when so many don’t have any, but it’s still bullshit. I so, so desperately need AT LEAST one day just to fucking process this shit, but I can’t because I may need surgery coming up. Even if I took that day, I’d come back to twice the amount of work and expected to just do it without skipping a beat. I’m a senior-level designer with over ten years of experience in the field. I can’t even eek out more than a couple measly-ass sick days in six months. What the actual fuck? Every worker should be guaranteed whole weeks of it without question.

Nothing in the workplace protects you. Not seniority, experience, hard work, or even just being a good person. It’s all talk and then complete disregard for everything they said. Fuck this place and fuck work.

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