
Sued my boss and won!

Hey everyone, I just wanted to share a little victory in my life that I think might resonate with some of you. So, for the longest time, I felt like I was being underpaid at work for the total number of hours that I was working, and I started keeping track of my hours before and after work on a time sheet it turned out I was actually being underpaid. I work in hospitality which is notorious for underpaying people (I won't name names) so I wasn't super surprised to learn that I was getting shafted. Not cool, right? After mustering up the courage to confront my boss about it and getting nowhere, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I did some research, gathered all the necessary evidence, and decided to take legal action. It was nerve-wracking, to say the least, but I felt like I had…

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to share a little victory in my life that I think might resonate with some of you. So, for the longest time, I felt like I was being underpaid at work for the total number of hours that I was working, and I started keeping track of my hours before and after work on a time sheet it turned out I was actually being underpaid. I work in hospitality which is notorious for underpaying people (I won't name names) so I wasn't super surprised to learn that I was getting shafted. Not cool, right?

After mustering up the courage to confront my boss about it and getting nowhere, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I did some research, gathered all the necessary evidence, and decided to take legal action. It was nerve-wracking, to say the least, but I felt like I had to stand up for myself and for what I knew I deserved. My boss scoffed at me and told me that it wasn't worth suing them and a lot of my friends told me that it would create a hostile work environment but I just had enough.

Long story short, after a bit of a legal battle, I came out on top. Believe me, it was a PROCESS but the results were PRICELESS. The court ruled in my favor, and I was awarded the rightful compensation for all those hours and efforts I had put into my job. It came out to like 2,400$ after lawyer's fees.

I'm not saying everyone should run to the courthouse at the first sign of trouble, but sometimes you have to fight for what you're worth. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself, whether it's through conversations with your employer or, if necessary, legal action. Remember, you're not just an employee; you're a valuable contributor, and you deserve to be treated and compensated accordingly.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? I'd love to hear your stories and share in the victories, big or small. Let's support each other in standing up for what's right! I just wanted to tell everyone that I won and this post is my little way of doing a victory lap.

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