
My shifts got completely cut after telling employer I’m pregnant

I work at a movie theatre, and found out I was pregnant at the end of September. Throughout September my mom went through a major surgery and I had to take time off to help take care of her and clean the house. I made sure to communicate with my managers that I needed time off for that, but they still have me shifts throughout and I went in for them as they were only 3-5 hour shifts and my mom said she would be alright. At the beginning of October after I found out I was pregnant, I got a lung infection and food poisoning at the same time. I also had really bad morning sickness, spotting and cramping. I called out for maybe 3-4 shifts, 2+ hours in advance while actively looking for someone to take my shifts. I did show up for some of my shifts too…

I work at a movie theatre, and found out I was pregnant at the end of September. Throughout September my mom went through a major surgery and I had to take time off to help take care of her and clean the house. I made sure to communicate with my managers that I needed time off for that, but they still have me shifts throughout and I went in for them as they were only 3-5 hour shifts and my mom said she would be alright.

At the beginning of October after I found out I was pregnant, I got a lung infection and food poisoning at the same time. I also had really bad morning sickness, spotting and cramping. I called out for maybe 3-4 shifts, 2+ hours in advance while actively looking for someone to take my shifts. I did show up for some of my shifts too and told my scheduling manager that I was pregnant. One of the shifts I had to call was a Friday with no school that day (most of my coworkers are 16-18) I thought at least one of my 25+ coworkers would pick it up. I contacted the manager I told that I was pregnant (2 hours before, I’d woken up about an hour ago and was seeing if my morning sickness would pass but I ended up throwing up a lot that day) that I was sick and was looking if anyone could take my shift. My manager told me I would have to call out 3 hours before to them and 24 hours before to have someone take my shift. I told him that I was sorry I didn’t know it was 3 hours before as I was told it was 2 when hired. I communicated my to the main manager that I was pregnant and I didn’t mean to leave them stranded, I had really bad morning sickness and if there was any way we could do scheduling different to make it better for both of us. I mentioned something about putting my 2 weeks in but told him I really did not want to do that, I just felt like I wasn’t living up to my full potential as an employee. He told me that he would schedule me with others so I wouldn’t leave anyone alone to fend for themselves and that it made sense why I called out and thanks for telling him. I also brought in a doctors note.

After that I haven’t gotten any shifts at all.
At about 9 and a half weeks my morning sickness kind of went away, about mid October. I started trying to pick up shifts to make up for what I called out for. They were all rejected but one. At that shift I found out that one of my coworkers who is favoured among the managers, and acts as a mini manager is telling people I put my two weeks in. The only person who could’ve known I even mentioned my two weeks is the main manager. The coworker who is telling people this is on my level, just a crew member so there’s no reason for him to know.

Am I in the wrong? What should I do?

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