
Got the Axe on Monday. Can I negotiate the Severance?

I got laid off on Monday effective immediately. They sent me a termination letter stating that I will get 2 weeks of pay. I looked it up and seems like it was a mass firing event and everyone got offered only 2 weeks of pay no matter their tenure. Although I'm not sure how to reliable this source is (it was posted on I couldn't find any other sources/info about this. So I was wondering if it's worth it to try negotiating my severance package and how I should negotiate it? One of the ways stated on the internet is to, in a professional way, threatened that you have confidential information about the company. This could include the information about your severance package. However, I signed a confidentiality agreement when I was hired that stated: “I understand that my employment creates a relationship of confidence and trust between me…

I got laid off on Monday effective immediately. They sent me a termination letter stating that I will get 2 weeks of pay.

I looked it up and seems like it was a mass firing event and everyone got offered only 2 weeks of pay no matter their tenure. Although I'm not sure how to reliable this source is (it was posted on I couldn't find any other sources/info about this.

So I was wondering if it's worth it to try negotiating my severance package and how I should negotiate it?

One of the ways stated on the internet is to, in a professional way, threatened that you have confidential information about the company. This could include the information about your severance package. However, I signed a confidentiality agreement when I was hired that stated: “I understand that my employment creates a relationship of confidence and trust between me and the company with respect to any information applicable to the business of the company…”, so I don't think I can use that as a bargaining chip.

Please share any information you have. Thanks!

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