
Job offer rescinded???

So I currently work a full time job 7am-2pm I figured why not apply for the seasonal closer job at the mall to make extra money. I get an interview and ace it, got an offer afterwards. She gave me a training schedule and I was set. Wake up this morning to see a rejection email sent to me. Wtf?? I actually reached out to them and they said not to worry and they’ll get “to the bottom of it”. Should I just show up anyways? I’ve seen others go through this with other retail stores just taking the offers back recently but I thought that was just during the pandemic. I have a clean background, worked in retail before but my current job is in a different industry.

So I currently work a full time job 7am-2pm I figured why not apply for the seasonal closer job at the mall to make extra money. I get an interview and ace it, got an offer afterwards. She gave me a training schedule and I was set. Wake up this morning to see a rejection email sent to me. Wtf??

I actually reached out to them and they said not to worry and they’ll get “to the bottom of it”. Should I just show up anyways? I’ve seen others go through this with other retail stores just taking the offers back recently but I thought that was just during the pandemic. I have a clean background, worked in retail before but my current job is in a different industry.

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