
Are people who work corporate jobs for health insurance companies and Big Pharma complicit in mass murder?

The American “healthcare system” is designed to kill the poor, unemployed, homeless, uninsured, and underinsured. It is among the worst forms of economic violence and classicide in all human history. It is one of the great humanitarian tragedies of our time. It locks away essential healthcare behind a wealth barrier while corporations rake in hundreds of billions in profits despite it being possible to provide everyone with their medical needs. Aren't those working in these industries (usually asshole upper-middle-class yuppies) propping it up and helping these corporations kill and harm poor people? They make money off of the suffering of those people who must go without care to generate corporate profits and bonuses. They are a cog in the machinery of an industry that profits off suffering and death. An industry that brutally price gouges people for the most essential of all human needs. People who review claims for insurance…

The American “healthcare system” is designed to kill the poor, unemployed, homeless, uninsured, and underinsured. It is among the worst forms of economic violence and classicide in all human history. It is one of the great humanitarian tragedies of our time.

It locks away essential healthcare behind a wealth barrier while corporations rake in hundreds of billions in profits despite it being possible to provide everyone with their medical needs.

Aren't those working in these industries (usually asshole upper-middle-class yuppies) propping it up and helping these corporations kill and harm poor people?

They make money off of the suffering of those people who must go without care to generate corporate profits and bonuses. They are a cog in the machinery of an industry that profits off suffering and death. An industry that brutally price gouges people for the most essential of all human needs.

People who review claims for insurance companies strike me as particularly cruel and heartless. They decide who lives and who dies. They decide who must suffer financial ruin for lifesaving care.

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