
No Christmas Bonuses because employees don’t really appreciate them

Somebody help me out. I had a head of HR at an old job and now one of my current bosses insist that there was a “study” that indicates that workers actually don’t really appreciate the cash at the holiday and would prefer some other benefits. This sounds like absolute Harvard business grad school capitalist wankery to me. Does anyone know what specific “study” they are referencing, if it actually exists? And have there been refutations published because this sounds like total nonsense and I’d like to be able to send them to my boss so he at least feels bad for being a cheapskate instead of smug and justified.

Somebody help me out. I had a head of HR at an old job and now one of my current bosses insist that there was a “study” that indicates that workers actually don’t really appreciate the cash at the holiday and would prefer some other benefits. This sounds like absolute Harvard business grad school capitalist wankery to me. Does anyone know what specific “study” they are referencing, if it actually exists? And have there been refutations published because this sounds like total nonsense and I’d like to be able to send them to my boss so he at least feels bad for being a cheapskate instead of smug and justified.

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